It is not simple to be a secretary. She has to do: scanning, printing, make telephone calls, he wants, and sucking on on a supervisor dick. Evening to prove that one can be seen by you Linda's operating. You, the player, have the opportunity to play the same old, but exciting mini-games every time Linda's coworkers receives a blessing. Otherwise, you can switch to auto mode.|Linda is secretary. You will see that it is not as easy as it seems. As a secretary in a big office, you have to manage many tasks simultaneously. These include scanning important documents and answering phonr calls. Yes, that's right. This also appears in Linda’s duites list. Are you intrigued? Follow Linda's story for just one day and you will enjoy the ups and downs she experiences during the course of her day. Remember that what is fun for you might not be for someone else. It is still a job every day! Respect the work of others, regardless of their pay grade or position!|It's not easy to be secretary. She must scan, type, make phone calls as he wishes, and sucking the supervisor's dick. It is an opportunity to demonstrate to Linda that you can see how she works. You, the player, have the opportunity to play the same exciting mini-games every time Linda's colleague gets a blessing. Linda is a secretary, and you will see that it's not as easy as it seems. The secretary works in a large workplace and must perform many tasks at once. This includes scanning and printing required documents, answering phone calls and taking on the boss whenever he wants. Yes, that's correct. That's also on Linda's list. Are you intrigued? Follow Linda's story|This is a tale about girl called Linda. She is functioning as a sceretary and besides her regurlar obligations she also has couple of additinal ones: that's right, besides filling documents, organizing phone telephone calls and making coffee she also needs to please her boss in extra private ways! Did Linda's functioning day have simply become extra intersting for you? Well, after that live it with her from the very early morning in this video game!|Sign up with Linda and endure among her quite common functioning days. She is functioning as an assistant which suggests that she not just needs to look pretty but also to do quite a lot points for her boss - from copying records and making schedules to establishing organization contacts and... and yes, suckng his fat cock ofcourse! That is not the just of Linda's erotic adventures throughout the day...}
  • Views: 53809
  • Added: 2018-03-26

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